“You finally got off your dead asses and pulled a trailer together. Wow, what an amazing surprise. Good for you. This is a website for a movie, so why would anyone actually expect to see video upon visiting? I for one would rather look at still photos and read boring bios.”
Yeah. Yeah. That seems to be the consensus as of late, but we got some good stuff in the works. The movie got stalled pretty hard due to a penis measuring contest, but we got it all worked out and full steam ahead.
Matt and I have some talented people helping us out right now and you can thank them for the trailer and the other gems you will be seeing soon on the site and MySpace. Hats off to Joshua Rosenfield for the hardcore job on the trailer. Be sure to check out the "Spotlight on Tanner" by James Ciccarello; learn more about the legend behind the myth. Also, Justin Barber has some kick ass work coming your way and thanks to Stewart Hopewell for cleaning up the site. Matt and I are Neanderthals when it comes to anything technical related so utmost thanks to the talented and tech savvy individuals willing to help us out; much appreciated gentlemen.
Keep checking out the site and MySpace. We have some great stuff coming down the pipeline and are getting ever closer to finishing the film. “Bout time, you lazy assholes”. Yeah, well... back to blue collar work to pay off the debt from the sound design.